Step 2: Visitor Details
  • 10 Dec 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Step 2: Visitor Details

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Article summary

Once you have completed Step 1: Prisoner Details, you are now required to build your visitor list. The count indicates the maximum number of visitors you are allowed.

  1. Select the + button to add yourself to the visit.
  2. Select options from the My Company Visitors drop-down.
  3. Select options from the Accompanied Visitors drop-down.

    There is also a type to search option on these fields.

  4. Start to type the email address of the individual. Any corresponding matches are displayed in a drop-down list, from which you can make a selection.

    The visitors are listed according to first name, last name, email address - enabling you to identify which company an individual is associated with, and also to easily distinguish between visitors who have the same name.

    Once a visitor is added to the Visitors Attending list, their details will be disabled in the drop-down menu. If you subsequently remove a visitor from the Visitors Attending list (see below), their details will be enabled in the drop-down menu.

    If there are no options to choose from, the drop-down list will be disabled.

    For information on adding Company or Accompanied Visitors, see the My Company Visitors or Accompanied Visitor articles.

    You cannot add unaccompanied visitors once the visit has been confirmed. You will need to cancel and rebook, so take care to ensure you make a selection where necessary.
  5. Select the X symbol to the right of a visitor's name to remove them from the Visitors Attending list, if you entered the visitor in error or they cannot attend.

    If a visitor is on a temporary ban, a notice is displayed next to their name and the date of the expiration of the ban is displayed. You can proceed with the booking - only dates after the expiration of their ban will be available for selection.

    If a visitor is banned permanently, they will not appear in the drop-down list.

  6. Select Next when you are ready to proceed to Step 3: Type.

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